Save the Date:
The 43rd Annual Community Prayer Breakfast
Tuesday, May 13, 2025
7:25 AM – Kellogg Arena, downtown Battle Creek
Keynote Speaker: Mignon François
“Faith.…The Main Ingredient”
Tickets will go on sale in March
Keynote Speaker: Mignon François
Faith …The Main Ingredient
Mignon François, founder of the multi-million dollar empire, The Cupcake Collection, will share an inspirational treat as the Keynote Speaker for the 2025 Community Prayer Breakfast.
Mignon’s spiritual and business journey is a testament to the power of faith, resilience, and a made-from-scratch approach to entrepreneurship.
The mom of seven started her business while in dire circumstances, with a $5 investment and a heart to do what God was telling her to do. She credits much of her success to living with a mission, vision, and trust in God.
Her story is documented in her book, “Made from Scratch, Finding Success Without a Recipe.”
About The Speaker
The Mission of the Community Prayer Breakfast
To provide an opportunity for people of faith to come together for prayer, meditation, and inspiration; to express their personal faith, their common purpose, their commitment to God; and to seek God’s guidance and strength with the desire to deepen the spiritual life and moral fiber of the people in our community.
The “Greater Battle Creek Community Prayer Breakfast” was established in 1982 and modeled after the National Prayer Breakfast. The name was later changed to the “Community Prayer Breakfast” in order to reach out to the larger community.
The Community Prayer Breakfast is a reaffirmation that people of goodwill, standing together for a common purpose, can transcend racial, geographical or cultural differences and create new opportunities for community progress.
The Prayer Breakfast program consists of community participants offering prayers for fellowship and community. Scripture readings from the Old and New Testament are delivered. A testimonial of faith is conveyed in the This I Believe address. The highlight of the program is the inspirational message from the Keynote Speaker.
The Prayer Breakfast annually draws more than 1,000 people, including 200 youth who attend free, thanks to generous donors.
Would you like to watch the 42nd Annual Community Prayer Breakfast?
Community Prayer Breakfast 2024 can be viewed on AccessVision:
Recorded in 2016, Russ Mawby, retired CEO of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, talks about the development of the Battle Creek Community Prayer Breakfast.